This is Imam Hussein's baby who wanted water. He was taking to the enemies by his dad to get water. The enemies didn't have pity on even a 6 month old baby and shot the baby with an arrow. If they hated Imam Hussein why did they kill the baby? What did the baby do to them?
To find out more click here.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
abdalla alradeia
Muslim ibn akeel
Muslim ibn akeel is the messenger of Imam Hussein. He didn't die in the battle of
ali alakbar
This person looks like the prophet and is brave like Imam Ali. He is the son of Imam Hussein. This person went to battle the enemies some said the prophet came to battle them (he looks like the prophet).Some said Imam Ali came to battle them. The person who came to battle them was Ali Alakbar.
For more information click here.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Imam Abbas
For more informormation on imam abbas click here.