Wednesday, December 24, 2008

abdalla alradeia

This is Imam Hussein's baby who wanted water. He was taking to the enemies by his dad to get water. The enemies didn't have pity on even a 6 month old baby and shot the baby with an arrow. If they hated Imam Hussein why did they kill the baby? What did the baby do to them?
To find out more click here.

Muslim ibn akeel

Muslim ibn akeel is the messenger of Imam Hussein. He didn't die in the battle of Kabala. Imam Hussein received letters from the people in Kufa (a place in Iraq).The letters said that the people of Kufa are willing to fight with Imam Hussein. So Imam Hussein sent his messenger muslim ibn akeel to get the army in Kufa ready. When muslim got there he got the army ready. The leader of Kufa was threatening the people who are willing to fight with Imam Hussein. The leader of Kufa is also to give a prize to who ever finds muslim. Since muslim doesn't have a place to sleep because every abandoned him he knocked on a door and asked for water. The women who gave him water knew who he was. So he let him in and fed him and gave him a room to sleep in. the women's son was looking for muslim to turn him in. he went in that room and saw who he wanted. He turned him in and got no

For more information click here.

ali alakbar

This person looks like the prophet and is brave like Imam Ali. He is the son of Imam Hussein. This person went to battle the enemies some said the prophet came to battle them (he looks like the prophet).Some said Imam Ali came to battle them. The person who came to battle them was Ali Alakbar.

For more information click here.

last years muhrrum

If you want to see some videos from last years muhrrum click here.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Imam Abbas

This brave strong man was imam Hussein's brother and the leader of his army. This man didn't go to fight the enemies he went to get water for his family. The enemies cut off both of his hands. They shot an arrow at his eye, they shot another at the bag of water and one at his chest. They ended his life with a hit on the head with a metal pole.

For more informormation on imam abbas click here.

Imam hussein

On the tenth day of muharam Imam Hussein sacrificed his children, his friends, his family he even sacrificed his approximately 6month old baby. He did that for the sake of islam.